Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lab 3 Nature walk

Japanese Privit
Species: Ligustrum japonicum
Family: Oleaceae

Species: Polemoniaceae
Family: Phlox

Order: Ericales
Family: Theaceae

Mexican Petunia
Family: Acanthaceae
Genus: Ruellia

Family: Ericaceae
Genus: Rhododendron

Magnolia Tree
Family: Magnoliaceae

Oak Tree
Family: Fagaceae
Genus: Quercus

Crepe Myrtle
Family: Lythraceae
Genus: Lagerstroemia

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lab 2

For lab 2, we went through the Ocmulgee river we measured the elevation of the river from end to end. The points where it has the dot in the circle, these identify the points of the elevation from every 100 foot interval. We used two poles that were at 10 foot strings and went over the whole river measuring the difference between the two poles. The arrows indicate the amount of clams found around the areas that we checked. The outlines indicate the faster currents in the area of the river that we explored.

This lab was really interesting because of the searching through the river for clams and the interesting things you can find in it.Also the catfish that were in the river made it fun to learn that the cans that are in the river can house so many small catfish.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dumbo octopus

The Dumbo Octopus. Cute isn't it. You would have never guessed that this little thing would be an octopus. It's very rare you see something such as this and relate it to an octopus, but that is what makes it special. The sheer fact that it looks like a cute little blob and it's something people would hardly ever see is quite amazing. It looks like something you'd carry around on your shoulder and it would make little noises. This very interesting creature, and don't let the picture fool you, a grown Dumbo octopus can get as large as 6 feet long. These guys tend to live about 23,000 feet below sea level and weigh up to 13 pounds. And the biggest difference between them and your typical octopus is the way they eat, they swallow their prey whole and just digest it as they move.